Roof maintenance is an essential part of ensuring this structure is in good condition and ready to protect the building’s occupants from weather and other issues. One of the many services we offer at Campany Roof Maintenance is maintenance along with refurbishment of roofs. Maintenance refers to preventative care, while refurbishment is when we make minor repairs to various components of the roof without completely replacing the structure.

We suggest you hire us for a roof inspection along with maintenance at a minimum of once each year, preferably twice annually. Think of this as a physical or even exercise for your roof. Without roof maintenance, you will easily cut the structure’s life span in half if not shorten it even more. What’s worse, skipping roof maintenance also typically voids your warranty.

In addition to our professional roof maintenance and refurbishment services, Campany Roof Maintenance suggests that homeowners and business owners alike take part in a few basic maintenance tasks themselves:

  • Removing loose debris
  • Checking for obvious issues (such as gaps in the roof) that require professional attention
  • Removing mold and moss
  • Cleaning gutters

By hiring our professionals to supplement your own roof maintenance, you will experience benefits such as:

  • A complete inspection of the roof that can spot potential problems early
  • Improved performance in the case of cool roofs since the area is clean
  • Receiving documentation related to maintenance to keep your warranty
  • No concerns about your own personal safety
  • Quick, quality results

As part of all roof maintenance, our team will spot areas that require refurbishment and let you know what tasks need to be done. We can complete those services for you within days if not the same day.